
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

One week later!


I’ve officially been here on Tutuila for a little over a week but I feel like I’ve been here for a lot longer. This past week has been jam-packed since day one with classes, exploring the island, and bonding. All 21 volunteers are very nice and most are around my age or a few years older.

Friday we went on a tour of the Island. We got to see some amazing views from different parts of the Island, and we finally got to go swimming!! The water was so warm and clear! If you swam out far enough, there was a bunch of coral and colorful fish. Also during the island tour we got to drive by where I will be teaching in a few weeks. My school is RIGHT on the ocean. Everyday, I will be able to look out onto the ocean right from my classroom window. 

On Saturday morning a group of us decided to go on an adventure to find this waterfall that we had heard some people talking about. We knew the general direction, so we decided to just take off in that direction and hope for the best. After only a few minutes a car stopped on the side of the road and asked if we wanted a ride. She was headed in the same direction as we were, so we happily and thankfully all climbed into the back of her pickup truck and we were off. Hitchhiking and riding in the back of trucks is very common here. Strangers will often offer you rides if you look like you’re going to be walking a long way. After she dropped us off we continued on our way to search for the waterfall. We kept asking some people for directions until someone just offered to walk with us. Thank goodness for this guide because without him I honestly don’t think we would have ever found the waterfall. The trail was through the rainforest and not marked at all. It was completely worth it however! The waterfall was huge and beautiful, with a small swimming hole at the bottom of it. We had a great time swimming and floating around with huge tropical birds flying over our heads! It was magical. 

So far my time here has been very busy, tiring and sometimes challenging. Overall however I am already starting to fall in love with the Island. I have met some really great people and already have made some amazing memories.

As always, I apologize for any typos. I hope all is well on the mainland. Miss you all so much! Updates on an address will be coming soon:)

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