
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

“Oh the places you’ll go.”

Happy April 5th! Happy Spring! I hope  everyone had a great St. Patty's Day and Easter! All is well here on Tutuila. I've been very busy since I last posted. I'll try and catch you up on the past two months.

First I will start with my trip to Manu'a! Attempt #1 was back in November. Flights were cancelled due to a cyclone. Attempt #2 was for the first week in March. The flight were already full when we tried to pick up our tickets. Attempt #3 was for the second week of March.  We arrived at the airport, we checked out bags, we got on the airplane, the plane took off, we flew all the way to Manu'a.... and then we turned around and flew all the way back to Tutuila. For reasons unknown (coco wifi says weather) we were unable to land in Ofu. The landing strip there is so short that any sort of poor weather makes it impossible to land.  We were in shock. SO CLOSE... but still we didn't make it. Attempt #4: Two days later we got a call from the airport early in the morning. They added a last minute flight to Ofu and wanted to know if we still wanted to go!!! We quickly got ready, took a bus to the airport, and FINALLY successfully flew to Manu'a! Although our vacation was cut short by two days, it was still a wonderful and magical time and completely worth all the failed attempts. In Manu'a we stayed with the three WorldTeach volunteers who are stationed there. The entire vacation consisted of relaxing on the beach, swimming, hiking, and watching sunsets. It was fantastic. I've mentioned before how small my island of Tutuila is. However, it is nothing compared to how small Ofu/Olosega are. There is literally nothing there. A couple villages, one elementary school, and a couple small marts. For most of the time it felt like we were the only people on the island. That being said it was also probably the most beautiful place I have ever been to!!
After our 3rd failed attempt.
Can't get enough of that vitamin sea.
Beautiful sunsets EVERY single night.
Jumping from the bridge that connects Ofu and Olosega
A coconut crab. This one is probably only a teenager... they get even bigger.
The teeny tiny plane that takes you to Manu'a
Ofu Olosega and Ta'u

Paddling has been postponed until after Flag Day (more on flag day in my next blog post), so in the meantime I have joined the workout classes at the water sports place in which I paddle at! Just a small attempt to fight the constant starches and carbs that I am consuming here! (Of course there are local fruits and veggies too). 
Breadfruit, palusami (taro leaves and coconut milk), rice, meat, fish, and coconut
Kait eating some breadfruit
 School has been going well. We just had our annual Samoan Day which was exciting to be a part of. Each grade level puts on a performance consisting of traditional Samoan clothes, stories, songs, and dances. We also just had our midterms since third quarter ended THIS WEEK! I cannot believe we only have one more quarter to go. Thinking about how little time I have left makes me realize how much I am going to miss these kids. No matter how much I have taught them, without a doubt they have taught me more. My students have definitely changed me for the better and despite their behavior issues I will miss each and every one of them.
They love when I teach art!
Happy birthday Dr. Seuss
Read Across America
He made me go get my camera so I could take a picture of his new sweatshirt :)
Practicing for the Samoan Day showcase
Level Two all dressed up and ready for Samoan Day

Only two and a half months left on this beautiful island. I'll leave my long list of things I will miss for a later blog post. I can't dwell on that now because it makes my heart ache. A lot can happen in two and a half months so in the mean time I will just continue to update you on my adventures, day to day life, and teaching!

Things I can check off the bucket list since my last post:
     - Go to Manu'a
     - Jump off the bridge the connects Ofu and Olosega
     - Swim at Sliding Rock
     - Go night swimming on a full moon (no Jamie I didn't turn into a mermaid...)
     - 8 out of 12 National Park hikes completed
     - Eat a raw fish (still in fish form) that was caught seconds earlier
     - Run my first 5k race (came in 2nd place in my age division)
A great little pool to swim in.
Boat on the way to Aunu'u
Cannon from WWII
Race Day
Drew and I on a bus
Love them palms.
...and then we saw a dolphin!
Floating in paradise.
23 and still climbing trees

Fa'afetai lava to the Morris family, Nicolle Moore, and my parents for more care packages. I love you all! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

ALSO for those who are wondering... I have officially booked my flight home. I will return to the United States of America on July 10th!!! My contract/the school year ends in early June, and I will be leaving American Samoa on June 13th... however I have decided to take the LONG way home. I will be traveling for a month to the countries of Western Samoa, Thailand and Myanmar before I make the official (and long) journey home!!!!

...and with that I bid you farewell. :)
Until next time!

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I – I took the one less traveled by.” – Robert Frost

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

“Oh the places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss

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