
Sunday, August 2, 2015

half way there, fun facts, and my placement

I've made it to Los Angeles! Two planes down and two more to go. I should arrive in Pago Pago airport Monday night. I can't wait! I was feeling super nervous earlier today, but now that I'm on my way I just can't wait to get there! In the mean time I will leave you with some fun facts about American Samoa.

  •  Samoans regard the family unit as one one of the most important factors of their daily lives. 
  • Those born in American Samoa are considered US Nationals, not US Citizens. They have every right afforded to citizens with the exception of voting in Presidential Elections.
  •  Due to their Christian faith, Sunday is strictly a day of rest. Stores and banks are closed, and swimming and other outdoor activities are not allowed.
  •  The weather in American Samoa is very consistent with temperatures ranging from high 70’s to high 80’s all year long. When the humidity factored in, it usually feels much hotter than the temperature indicates. The ocean water is usually 82˚-86˚ Fahrenheit
  • American Samoa is home to one of the world’s friendliest peoples on earth.
  • The National Park of American Samoa is the only US Park in the Pacific, and the only US Park south of the equator. 
  • Samoan men are 56% more likely to make the NFL than other Americans.
  • Tuna and tuna products are the main export. 

Also...I received my PLACEMENT! I will be living with another volunteer in the village of Faga'alu, and I will be teaching English at Matafao Elementary School on the island of Tutuila (the main island).

My next post will be from the island! 


  1. Maggie - you will be a great teacher if your blog is any kind of an example of your abilities! I cried when you left. (actually Peter says I was blubbering). Take care! Love, Barbara

  2. I love you Maggie! We all miss you so much, already!!
    The kids in your class will be so lucky to have you as their teacher!
